Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

How do I use coupon codes from Beverly's Bargains on Amazon?
It's easy! After finding a deal you love, simply tap to copy the coupon code to your clipboard. Then, paste the code at checkout on Amazon to enjoy the extra discount. If you need assistance, check our step-by-step guide in the app or contact our support team.
Are the deals on Beverly's Bargains exclusive to the app?
Yes! Our deals are curated and come with exclusive coupon codes, providing additional savings. You won't find these discounts anywhere else. Stay tuned for daily updates to discover the latest exclusive bargains.
How often are new deals added to Beverly's Bargains?
We update our deals daily, so you can always find fresh discounts. Each day brings a new selection of top-rated products with exclusive coupon codes, ensuring there's always something exciting to discover in the app.
What categories of products are featured on Beverly's Bargains?
We cover a wide range of categories, including electronics, fashion, home goods, gadgets, and more. From tech deals to fashion finds, Beverly's Bargains offers diverse deals to cater to various interests and preferences.
How can I contact the support team if I have an issue or question?
We're here to help! You can reach our support team by sending an email to our support team or connecting with us on social media. We strive to respond promptly to assist you with any inquiries or concerns.